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SeaSearch Configuration

Single-Node Configurations

Basic Configurations

# log mode of gin framework,default release

# type of storage's engine, i.e., s3

# the number of shards, since seaseach has one index per database, in order to improve loading efficiency, the default value is changed to 1

S3 Storage Configurations

To enable s3 storage configurations, the term ZINC_STORAGE_TYPE has to be set as ZINC_STORAGE_TYPE=s3.

# the maximum local cache file size

# S3 relative informations
ZINC_S3_ACCESS_ID=<your s3 access id>
ZINC_S3_USE_V4_SIGNATURE=<your s3 signature>
ZINC_S3_ACCESS_SECRET=<your s3 access secret>
ZINC_S3_ENDPOINT=<your s3 endpoint>
ZINC_S3_USE_HTTPS=<your s3 tls enabled>
ZINC_S3_PATH_STYLE_REQUEST=<your s3 style request path>
ZINC_S3_AWS_REGION=<your s3 AWS region>

Logs Configurations

ZINC_LOG_OUTPUT=true #whether to output logs to files, default yes
ZINC_LOG_DIR=/opt/seasearch/data/log #log directory
ZINC_LOG_LEVEL=debug #log level,default debug